Offer your customers additional services.

Offer your customers repair services, insurances, carbon 2 offset or donations.
iPhone mockup
Fitting Carbon Offset
Offset co2 bike emissions
Fitting Donations
Bike for children
Additional service
Bike Repair
Additional Insurance
Bike Theft
co2 Offset

Offset of emissions

Offering carbon offset for products in your customers' baskets enables them to neutralize the carbon emissions associated with the production and transportation of the items they purchase, contributing to environmental sustainability. By investing in carbon offset initiatives, your customers can offset the carbon footprint of their shopping, making a positive impact on the planet.
Offer your customers additional value
Improve your brand image
Help to save the planet

Fitting donations

Incorporating fitting donations in your customers' baskets allows them to contribute to charitable causes that align with their values and preferences while making their purchases. By offering this option, customers can easily add donations to their basket, making a meaningful difference and supporting important initiatives.
Offer your customers additional value
Improve your brand image
Help to make the world a better place
Additional insurances

Preselected fitting insurances

Present your customers with additional, corresponding, and complementary insurance choices that perfectly complement their main item in the basket.
Offer your customer additional value by preselection the right insurance
Have a frequent touchpoint with your customer
Earn a large margin on any additional transaction made
Success Stories

Read how our customers offered additional services